Monday, July 7, 2008

Conference on early opera in Copenhagen

Caccini's Euridice and the Birth of Opera
- an international conference on early baroque opera
The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen
October 17 - 19 2008.

The event opened with a masterclass concert with excerpts from Caccini's Euridice, led and introduced by Marco Horvat and Deda Cristina Colonna.


Barbara Hanning - Professor, The City Collage, New York
Magnus Tessing Schneider - Ph.D., Theatre science, Aarhus University 
Jette Barnholdt Hansen - Cand. Mag, Ass. Prof. in Rethorics, Copenhagen University
Per-Erik Öhrn - opera director, writer, former artistic director of Drottningholms Slottsteater, Stockholm
• Marco Horvat - singer, instrumentalist, director, Paris/Rome
• Deda Cristina Colonna - director, choreographer, Novara, Italy
• John La Bouchardiére - opera director, London
• Chris Cowell - opera director, translator, London

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